


Simply put, solar energy is the radiant light and heat emitted from the sun. We are able to harness that energy into solar panels and convert it into usable electricity to power homes, businesses, and even entire communities.


Since the sun constantly emits its energy, it makes solar energy a renewable and environmentally friendly power source while also reducing our reliance on non-renewable fossil fuels. As an added bonus, solar energy is abundant and accessible throughout the world, making it readily available in most areas around the globe.

Yes, solar panels will still work when it snows. This is because the solar panels function by absorbing the sun’s light, not its heat. Since sunlight can still reach the panels while it’s snowing outside, you won’t have to worry about your panels not working.


A small accumulation of snow can be blown away by the wind, but it is also beneficial because it can help clean the surface of your solar panel as it melts. Snow accumulation only becomes a concern when it is a large amount since the weight of the snow could potentially throw the angle off, meaning your solar panels would be less effective. Qcells solar panels are tested in very high conditions that can resist 5400Pa, which equals to 540kg/m2, and that is more than enough to withstand heavy snowfall.

The sun emits ultraviolet (UV) light at all times. This means that, as long as there is light outside, even on a rainy, snowy, or cloudy day, there is still sunlight filtering through to power your solar panels. This UV light is still enough to activate the cells inside the panels so it can be converted into usable energy.


However, it is important to note that while your home solar system is still generating energy, its efficiency will be slightly decreased due to the limited, indirect sunlight the panels are receiving. This decrease could be upwards of 10% to 15% compared to system efficiency on a clear, sunny day.

In general, it is possible to run a home entirely on solar power. However, there are a few factors that could influence this possibility. First, the size of your home plays a large role in the amount of energy you’ll need. Larger homes will generally require more solar energy, while smaller homes can function with less. Next, how much energy do you typically use per month? If you normally use more energy than a home solar system can produce, you may not be able to completely power your home with solar energy.


If you want your home to run solely on solar energy, it’s best to contact a solar installer near you. They can help you to design a solar system that is large and efficient enough to meet all your energy needs.

To significantly increase the self-consumption proportion of the solar power you produce, you can also use an electrical storage unit in conjunction with your photovoltaic system. These battery storage systems store excess power locally for consumption later in the day or at night. A practical and straightforward way to save on electricity costs is our Q.HOME energy storage system.

Even in so-called low-light conditions, on cloudy or rainy days, or at dusk, Qcells solar modules continue producing at high outputs. Qcells modules are built for real-life conditions and are recognized for their particularly good performance with diffuse light. Even at a very low irradiation of 200 W/m², our solar modules still achieve 98% of its original efficiency; which means higher returns for you with a minimal amount of sunshine. At radiation values ​​between 400 and 900 W/m², efficiencies over 100% of the nominal value can be achieved. These results have also been confirmed by the independent Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems ISE.

Photovoltaics (PV) is a method of direct conversion of sunlight into electricity.


The heart of a PV system is the solar cell. The incident sunlight, i.e. electromagnetic radiation, on the solar cell initiates a physical response whereby the solar cells generate a direct current. In general, a solar module is made up of 60 or 72 solar cells that are electrically connected and safely protected by a tough glass panel and frame. Several modules together make up a powerful and efficient photovoltaic system. The electrical current produced at the terminals of the solar modules flows through the connected cable to the inverter, where it is converted to alternating current so that it can be used by electrical equipment. The French physicist Alexandre Edmond Becquerel first discovered the so-called “photoelectric effect” in 1839 and thus laid the foundation for today’s efficient solar cells and the production of environmentally-friendly electricity from sunlight.


Solar panels are continuously exposed to the elements outside, so it’s natural for them to come in contact with dirt, leaves, bird droppings, and other natural debris. Since the panels need direct sunlight for peak performance, a dirty panel could slightly decrease solar efficiency.

In most cases, a good rainstorm or snowfall can help rinse off the face of the panel, leaving it clean for better solar production. However, it’s still a good idea to check your panels every few months to ensure there is no debris buildup or anything else obstructing your panels.

If you notice a decrease in energy production or see anything abnormal in your Q.OMMAND solar monitoring app, you should contact your solar installation company to schedule a cleaning and maintenance.

Having a solar panel system can help you to save money on your electricity bill since the electricity generated by the system will meet the majority, if not all, of your energy demands. The size of the system, the kind of solar panels used, the climate, and other variables all affect how much you can save. Furthermore, where households are located to be eligible for the local solar incentives programs. The average household in the U.S. spends roughly $125 a month on energy so, if you have a system that totally covers your energy demand, your savings could be up to $1,500 per year.

The actual installation of solar panels only takes several days, and in some cases just one day. However, the entire procedure — which includes a roof inspection, installation, and obtaining permission to operate (PTO)— can range from about two to six months. The steps to consider are the following of which most, will be taken care of by your selected installer.

  1. System Design: Installers will use the data they’ve gathered from you roof (angle, shadings, etc.) to determine the ideal system size and design to meet your energy needs.
  2. Site Inspection: your installer will inspect the site and check condition of the roof for any repair necessary before installation
  3. Solar Permission: Installer will take care of obtaining all solar permissions for construction.
  4. Installation: Depending on the size of the system, the weather, and the installer’s level of skill, it may take a day or more o finish.
  5. Final Inspection and Permission to Operate: Your local county or municipality and your utility company does the final inspection to give you permission to operate (PTO). The approval process and timeline varies by utility company.

In the Northern Hemisphere, it is best to have solar panels facing true south for peak sun exposure. True south differs from magnetic south, where a compass indicates south. Instead, true south for solar panels means the panel is facing toward the geographic south, meaning they are directed toward the South Pole.


If true south isn’t possible for your home, having the panels face east or west is also recommended, particularly east AND west — where solar panels are installed on both slopes of the rooftop, where possible, to maximize sunlight exposure over the course of the day. Trusted Qcells installation partners will design a system that best suits your rooftop, using 3D modeling software to deliver the most optimal outlook. We don’t recommend facing your solar panels to the north, as this direction leads to a significant decline in the panels’ efficiency.

While many people think solar panels are only good for places with abundant sunlight, this isn’t actually the case. Solar panels can function in various climates, including cold areas or places with high temperatures; the only difference is how efficient your solar panels will be. The ideal circumstances for peak solar performance are temperatures around 77℉ with lots of direct sunlight.


In general, homeowners that live in areas with a temperate climate and lots of direct sunlight will be able to receive maximum solar benefits. However, there really isn’t a bad place to live and have solar, so you can still enjoy the benefits no matter where you call home.

On request, our affiliates cover all the crucial steps of project management as your EPC contractor or project developer. These include the site analysis, plant design, construction planning, financing options, and the creation of output reports. The development, planning, and construction of large-scale solar power plants is a highly complex process, which has been optimized by our specialists.

We are happy to introduce you to an installer who uses Qcells products.


To find installer in your area, please Contact Us.

The output of a solar system and the potential for self-consumption is dependent on several factors: the orientation (North, South, East, or West), the inclination angle of the roof, and the size of the solar system. The share of self-consumption depends on the demand for electricity in a given household – it can increase through intelligent use of solar power and the application of data loggers/monitoring devices and storage systems.

Basically, a solar system is applicable everywhere at least 107.6 ft² (10 m²) of roof area is available. Next to the geographic location, the amount of electrical output is dependent on several factors: the orientation (North, South, East, or West), the inclination angle of the roof, and the size of the solar system.

The assembly time of a solar system depends on its size and the individual requirements of your property. In general, the installation of a residential solar system is accomplished in a few days. In case of power plants, through our affiliate companies, we have realized 50 MWp power plants within a few weeks.


Qcells’ high-quality modules are covered by a 12-year product warranty and a 25-year linear performance warranty.1 In general, a solar system with Qcells modules is trouble-free and low maintenance. However, should any problems arise in the operation of your system, simply contact your local authorized installer.


1 In accordance with the warranty terms of the Qcells distribution organization in your region or country.

In general, a photovoltaic system with Q CELLS modules is trouble-free and low maintenance. However, should any problems arise in the operation of your system, simply contact your local authorized installer.


If you are interested in a solar system for your home, simply enter your address and select your energy usage. The calculator will be able to provide you with initial pricing options, the estimated number of solar modules required, and other preliminary information.


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