We’re Innovating Today to Power
a Cleaner Tomorrow.

As a leader in complete energy solutions, we’re on a mission to a more sustainable world. 

Together We Can Create a More Sustainable World

Qcells by the Numbers

Icon solar panel
0 GW

Total GW of panels manufactured in the U.S. to date (2019 – 2024).

Icon solar panel and battery
0 GWh

Total energy potential of U.S. produced solar panels from factory to date.

Icon stats
0 metric tons CO2

Estimated emissions avoided if this energy were used instead of power from the grid.

Icon improved house
0 homes

Number of homes that could be powered for one year by 33,633 GWh. That is more than the number of Housing Units in Georgia.

Note: Calculations are based on projected energy generation from Qcells’ products manufactured in the U.S., based on insolation values for our Georgia factory location. These utilize established best practices, using resources like the EPA Greenhouse Gas Equivalencies Calculator and NREL’s PVWatts Calculator.

For more details on Qcells’ commitment to U.S. manufacturing, click here.

Solar panel field overhead

Net Zero Target

Qcells is committed to sustainability in everything we do, driving innovation throughout our lifecycle to minimize our carbon footprint and provide completely clean energy solutions for all. We have proudly committed to reducing our Scope 1 and 2 greenhouse gas emissions by 35% by 2030 and achieving net zero emissions by 2050.*

* In alignment with our parent company, Hanwha Solutions, utilizing 2018 as a base year


Sustainability plays a core role in Qcells’ mission, as we strive to provide completely clean energy solutions for our customers through technology and innovation.


Qcells is committed to fostering a workplace that is safe and welcoming to all. Upholding the human rights of all workers and community members globally is core to our Code of Conduct


Qcells is committed to conducting business in an ethical and honest manner. This includes responsible supplier selection by conducting business with suppliers who share the Company’s commitment to integrity.  

About Us

Talk With Us!

Kelly Weger

“When it comes to carbon footprint, not every solar panel is created equal. That is why it is not enough to just be a leader in clean energy solutions. We believe in striving towards a balance of People, Planet, and Prosperity – the Triple Bottom Line – as part of our journey in conserving our resources and building a Circular Economy. As you get to know Qcells, you will learn that sustainability is at the core of who we are. Together we can change tomorrow.”


Kelly Weger

   Senior Director of Sustainability


Have a question for Kelly or the Sustainability Team? Reach out to sustain@qcells.com.